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Psych Declares

Psych Declares is a UK-wide network of mental health professionals and service users who are acting against climate breakdown. Recognising that the climate and ecological emergency is detrimental to mental health as well as posing a threat to life, livelihood and social cohesion, we believe we have a moral and professional duty to advocate for public mental health and global justice.

Psych Declares successfully campaigned for the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych) to divest from fossil fuels. They are currently leading a campaign for RCPsych to close their bank account with Barclays.


  • Royal College of Psychiatrists

  • Association of Clinical Psychologists

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Bank Better

We’re bringing people together in community, to convince organisations to publicly cut ties with fossil fuel funding bank.

Bank Better is supported by Defund Climate Chaos & Tipping Point UK.