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Join a community

At the heart of the Bank Better movement is the idea of coming together in communities to organise, share knowledge and skills and combine our energy and power.

Communities can be based on location, interests, beliefs, workplaces and many other things. Every community has its different targets, ways of influencing institutions, and networks that can support our campaigns.

Community Organisers
Local Campaigns

Groups are already active in many communities. You might want to join one of them as an easy way to get started.

What's happening in communities already?

Find out which groups are active in the Bank Better communities.

Connect to a Community Now

Everyone is connected to different communities, and every community has different types of organisation that they could target. Which communities have you got connections to?

Sign up now. So we can connect you to other people in your community.

Bank Better

We’re bringing people together in community, to convince organisations to publicly cut ties with fossil fuel funding bank.

Bank Better is supported by Defund Climate Chaos & Tipping Point UK.