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At the heart of the Bank Better movement is the idea of coming together in communities to organise, share knowledge and skills, and combine our energy and power.

Communities can be based on location, interests, beliefs, workplaces and many other things. Every community has its different targets, ways of influencing institutions, and networks that can support our campaigns.


Workers and customers both have the power to influence businesses of different scales. Businesses also have a lot of overlap with other communities, e.g. queer nightclubs, or school uniform sellers.

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There are over 168,000 registered charities in the UK, from massive international aid organisations like Oxfam to local animal sanctuaries. The people who work in and support these groups are committed to changing society and supporting its most vulnerable. Many of them have charitable objectives that are directly opposed to the activities that banks invest in.

While some require complex financial services like international bank transfers to war zones, others have much simpler requirements and can easily switch bank accounts.

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Communities of faith have formed a massive part of various movements for social justice, including the South African anti-Apartheid movement, peace movements around the world and increasingly environmental justice movements. 

The UK has a diversity of different faiths, all of which could be part of the Bank Better movement.

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Climate change is affecting the health of both people and the planet right now. It will affect the most fundamental determinants of health: water, food, air, temperatures, and exposure to infectious diseases.

The NHS is the fifth largest employer in the world, with 1.7 million workers across the UK. If it were to move its money out of fossil fuel funding banks, that would have a global impact. But the health community involves a whole range of institutions, including local GP practices, physios, counselling services, health unions and NHS colleges. Each has its own bank account and can shift independently.

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Climate change is disproportionately harming LGBTQIA+ communities and individuals around the world. Fossil fuel companies are co-opting the struggle for LGBTQIA+ liberation to sanitise their own image by associating with progressive movements such as Pride celebrations.

LGBTQIA+ Pride events exist to celebrate the queer community, history and struggle. Fossil Free Pride has been actively campaigning for queer institutions to break their ties with fossil fuel companies and the banks that fund them.

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Local Government

There are over 11,000 local councils in the UK, including town, parish, community, neighbourhood and village councils. All of these have bank accounts and democratic processes through which they can be engaged. They represent the people who live in their areas and should respond to local opinions.

The bigger the form of government the harder and slower it is to move. A local Parish council can quickly make a decision to move its bank account and will respond to a relatively small local movement, while a city council will require more public pressure and potentially will have to navigate public procurement legislation

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There are over 32,000 schools in the UK. Students, teachers and parents all have a voice in these communities. 

Schools exist in all shapes and sizes – some of them operate independently while others are part of chains of Academy Trusts. Bigger academy chains are harder to move and can shift many schools at the same time. Primary schools have active Parent Teacher Associations with positions on school boards of governors. Parents also tend to spend more time on primary school grounds making it easier for them to organise.

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Sports & Cultural Sector

Banks sponsor sports and cultural organisations to buy themselves a positive image. Many of the UK’s big events have a fossil bank’s name in bright lights next to it. They have increasingly come under pressure from fans and groups to drop these banks as sponsors. 

One of the massive benefits of targeting sponsored events is that it’s a great way to reach the wider public. Recently, tennis, cricket, football and golf competitions as well as theatres and festivals have all been targeted.

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We're an open movement that any group can join and take action in there community.
Bank Better

We’re bringing people together in community, to convince organisations to publicly cut ties with fossil fuel funding bank.

Bank Better is supported by Defund Climate Chaos & Tipping Point UK.